But the time has finally come. As most of you have probably notice, I simply don't have time to maintain my own blog anymore. Thus, this is the end. I will officially commit blogicide, and terminate this institution on blogspot.
Thankfully, the journey doesn't have to end here. In fact, if I didn't have an outlet for my sarcasm, or my frustration with the game of politic, I might explode.
Instead, Break Out the Oreos, known to some as the premier blogging institution north of 110th St, has graciously offered me a chance to spew hot air and, from what I can gather, dilute its finely-crafted writing with my nonsense.
Favorite it, RSS it, do what must be done. I hope to live up to the reputation that BOTO has forged for itself, and, in time, become an integral part of its web of snarkiness.
In parting, for those of you who don't quite grasp the epic significance of my departure from this blog, please partake in this video:
The latest project
2 days ago