Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sex We Can Believe In, Hope Begets Fascism and/or Marxism, and the Healthman Cometh!

So I'll start with a couple headlines that certainly caught my attention, and then we'll move towards legitimate rumblings as the Obama Administration starts to take shape.

--> Congressman Paul Broun (R-GA), fresh off a resounding victory in this year's election, decided to permanently launch his name into consideration for the next edition of Profiles in Courage. Despite it being unpopular to say, Broun decided that the American people deserved the truth, and so he took it upon himself to warn the Associated Press about the political catastrophe that awaits with the swearing in of Barack Obama. After a thorough examination of a July speech that Senator Obama gave in Colorado, Broun noticed some odd phrases. He noticed that Obama was calling for a "civilian security force," and being a student of history (and a student of ignoring the rest of the paragraph), Broun sprang into action. His chilling warning reads, "It may sound a bit crazy and off base, but the thing is, he's the one who proposed this national security force. I'm just trying to bring attention to the fact that we may — may not, I hope not — but we may have a problem with that type of philosophy of radical socialism or Marxism."

That's right, President-Elect Obama has been plotting to overthrow our democratic system with the help of a private security force. What force, you ask? Well, a closer examination of the speech in question indicates that Obama was actually talking about doubling the Peace Corps and expanding the foreign service. And by closer, I mean that I actually read it, which Broun clearly didn't. But just to emphasize the danger, Broun (pictured above with his trusty Communist-hunting hound) continued, "That's exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany and it's exactly what the Soviet Union did. When he's proposing to have a national security force that's answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he's showing me signs of being Marxist."

Now, besides the fact that he's completely missing what Obama's proposal actually means, let's stop and examine the differences between fascism and Marxism. They're pretty much opposites. So the fact that Broun can't distinguish which category Obama falls into is kind of worrying.

However, Broun (pictured above with his trusty hunting bear), now sensing that he's losing his audience, goes into full scare-tactic mode: "We can't be lulled into complacency. You have to remember that Adolf Hitler was elected in a democratic Germany. I'm not comparing him to Adolf Hitler. What I'm saying is there is the potential."

That's right, Barack Obama HAS THE POTENTIAL to become Adolf Hitler. All us Jews who voted for him really should have thought twice.

Broun apologized yesterday for his ill-phrased remarks, but asserted that he is merely troubled by Obama's socialist leanings. I can imagine a high school history teacher hitting him over the head with a frying pan, and yelling, "Hitler wasn't a socialist, you ninny!"

Note to my readers: Whenever you come across a headline like "Georgia Congressman Warns of Obama Dictatorship," you should probably expect a post on this blog.

--> For those of you who took part in spontaneous celebrations last Tuesday night, Newsweek is curious if there were any unintended consequences. Namely, did anyone out there celebrate the election of Barack Obama by fornicating wildly? And if so, did you make a Barack baby? And if so, will its middle name be Hussein? Granted, I did hear some stories from a trusted source at Oberlin College involving public indecency (and there was certainly some streaking here), but I am curious if any of my readers got so possessed with hope for the future that they decided to bring another life into it.

And that's Newsweek, always striving for the highest levels of journalistic achievement. Did I mention that they had an awesome story about the election?

But enough about the present. Let's look once more at the future of our government, as several key pieces are starting to fall into place:

The Initiatives

--> President-Elect Obama announced today that he will be fulfilling his campaign promise by creating a White House Office of Urban Policy. Its goal will be to oversee urban development, and to work with metropolitan governments in order to strengthen our cities. ABC's eagle-eyed political team notices that Obama won city voters by 28 percent, I suppose implying that Obama cares about cities simply for their electoral support, as opposed to their massive numbers of American citizens. Does that mean that President McCain would have created a White House Office of Gadfly Plumbers or a Department of Hockey Moms?

--> Meanwhile, Team Obama appears to stick to what it preaches. Jonathan Martin reports on the Obama will attempt to limit the influence of lobbyists on his transition team and within his White House, and transition chief John Podesta has put out a list of rules assuring this purity. I'm still waiting to see a Federal Committee on Hope, and until that happens I'll still reject Obama for abandoning some principles of his campaign...Comeon! I'm trying to be critical...

--> Finally, and most interestingly, powerful Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) announced today his proposal to overhaul the United States healthcare system, modeling it on the successful system already in place in Massachusetts. Universal healthcare is a major plank of the Democratic platform, and is an issue that Obama ran very heavily on in the final few weeks. However, Baucus's plan actually mirrors Senator Clinton's as opposed to Obama's. While Barack only insisted on a mandate that all children be covered by health insurance, Baucus would require all Americans to be covered. This would be a massive legislative achievement that would go immediately into the history books and improve the lives of the 46 million citizens who don't currently have healthcare.

This figures to be an enormous issue next year as the new administration takes office (the three men pictured above will probably be the most influential - Baucus, the least recognizable, is in the middle), and Paul Krugman is already hopeful, asserting, as I suspected all along, that "the word I hear, by the way, is that Obama’s opposition to mandates was tactical politics, not conviction — so he may well be prepared to do the right thing now that the election is won." Maybe we will actually pass this in time for Ted Kennedy to witness it. Good luck, Democrats. If this succeeds, I'll take back every comment/fear I ever expressed about your Congressional majority being too scared of losing seats to do anything risky.

The Players

--> Politico has a terrific story on Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and how she may wield more power than any woman in the history of this country. Somewhere in Chappaqua, Senator Clinton is bristling at that sentence. For all her public, irritating politeness, Pelosi knows how to bash heads together behind the scenes, and she will be a force to be reckoned with, by President Obama as well as leaders of the GOP.

--> Rumors for Cabinet positions continue to fly. In the hours following his victory, whispers and suggestions began flying out of Camp Obama, and they haven't stopped since. Here's a brief summary of what we know, and what we might not know but will report as if we know it anyway:

Secretary of State: Right now it looks like an all-out struggle between Governor Bill Richardson (now shaved!!!!) and Senator John Kerry. Both are very well qualified, and both have a lot of support in the party establishment, although Richardson is reportedly the only candidate who took Obama literally when he said that he wants to "clean up Washington," and adjusted his facial hair accordingly. Other names floating around include Richard (not Hal, as per my bizarre dream in which the Mark Twain impersonator was named as Obama's running mate) Holbrooke, Richard Lugar, Chuck Hagel, and Hillary Clinton. The latter sounds extremely unlikely, but this choice for arguably the most importnat Cabinet post will be a big one.

Colin Powell: Obviously one of the smartest, most qualified men in America, and it's quite possible that Obama rewards him for that touching endorsement (and reaches across the aisle for good measure) by giving him the coveted title of Secretary of Defense. There were also rumors of Powell being considered for Secretary of Education, but I'll believe that when I see it.

Kennedy Family: Caroline, already a key player in Obama's team, is reportedly up for a turn as Ambassador to the United Nations. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., meanwhile, may be rewarded for his terrific endorsement of NYS Assembly candidate Jonathan Smith with an opportunity to head the EPA. Both would be amazing decisions.

Agriculture: Former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack is apparently the front-runner here, but that again is entirely speculation.

Defense: Although Colin Powell returning to the White House would be nothing short of a gift from God, it looks like Obama may look to avoid shaking up connections with the Afghan community, and attempt to reassure military people who think he is purely driven by ideology. That would mean retaining Secretary Robert Gates for another couple of years, who has certainly not done a bad job but by no means is a darling of the liberal base.

--> Meanwhile, on-again, off-again Democratic scapegoat Joe Lieberman's fate will be decided in the next few weeks, as the Democratic caucus prepares to decide whether to kick him out. President-Elect Obama, in a smart attempt to reconcile partisan conflicts and reach some agreements in the next two years, appears to have come out in favor of keeping Lieberman in the party's ranks.

--> Finally, to the delight of foaming-at-the-mouth liberal bloggers everywhere, Andrew Sullivan explains why we shouldn't let Sarah Palin go that easily. This election may be over, but Sullivan's piece gives us all (especially me) a free pass to keep tearing into her as much as we can. I can't wait...

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