No longer burdened by hanging out with Joe the Plumber or John the Senator, Governor Sarah Palin has spent her time preparing for her highly anticipated run for president in 2012. Of course, those doing the anticipating are the bloggers and left-wing media pundits eager to pounce on any number of gaffes that she is guaranteed to make.
However, preparation for a presidential run means that Palin has three years to reform her image from know-nothing to ...something. The only way to do that is to spend lots of quality time with her arch-nemesis: the press, explaining her version of what went wrong in 2008 and what she's learned.

In her latest edition of "It Wasn't My Fault,"
Palin lashed out at journalists, interviewers, and bloggers who took her remarks out of context and wouldn't take her at her word and instead demanded "medical evidence" and "facts."
Among her comments: "Bored, anonymous, pathetic bloggers who lie annoy me."
Was it something I said? Why would she single me out? I know she's talking about me because I'm pretty sure I'm the only person on the Internet who could possibly fit those three adjectives. Was it because I attacked her for
saying that there were "real" parts of America? Was it because I
mocked her regarding the bipartisan committee that concluded that she had abused her powers despite her repeated denials as well as her failed hockey appearance? Was it because I found her debate prep flow chart?

Palin further whined about the liberal media, defending her infamous Russia comment, "Even hard news sources, credible news sources — the comment about, you can see Russia from Alaska.
You can! You can see Russia from Alaska. Something like that — a factual statement that was taken out of context and mocked — what you have to do is let that go."

I think the Governor might be missing the point. We all know that you can see Russia from
a tiny part of Alaska. The point is that it doesn't matter - being able to see Russia from your state doesn't mean that you have foreign policy experience, and it certainly doesn't mean that you're ready to be Commander-in-Chief.
--> Thankfully, Palin's primary rival for the GOP nomination in 2012, Mike Huckabee, came to my defense, bluntly
attacking the Alaskan Governor's interview skills and, more subtly, her intelligence:
"Now I must say I did not think that either the Charlie Gibson interview or the Katie Couric interviews were unfair. In fact, if anything, Katie Couric was extraordinarily gentle, even helpful. [Palin] just... I don't know what happened. I can't explain it. It was not a good interview. I'm being charitable."

There are a lot of Republican heavyweights who see Palin as an embarrassment to the party; many others see her as their champion who will lead the GOP into the 21st Century. I can't wait to see Republicans tear each other to shreds over an irrelevant, over-matched, non-contiguous governor.
At least
McCain's daughter refused to get mixed up in the scuffle.