Tuesday, January 20, 2009


As the sun sets on this first day of the Obama Administration, I can't help but feel a little bit disappointed. When President Obama was sworn in, I had a few simple expectations, but sadly none of them have been met.

I haven't seen a single rainbow yet today!

There aren't chocolate lollipops blooming spontaneously from the ground!

The toothpaste isn't mintier!

The big Lincoln statue didn't come to life and carry the new President back to the White House.

The woodland creatures continue to simply growl at me when I ask for help washing dishes.

We don't even have a comfortable budget surplus yet!

No miracles! No massive legislative accomplishments! No naked parade of shame for former Bush staffers down Pennsylvania Avenue...or did I make that campaign promise up?

This isn't the change I could believe in. In fact, why is no one holding Obama accountable for the ten inaugural balls that he and Michelle will be attending?? Forget that it's traditional and that every president does it - if John McCain can lose votes because he owns lots of houses, can't the Obamas lose support because Michelle owns ten dresses? It's pretty much the same thing, right?

Get it in gear, Mr. President!

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